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  Taiyuan High and New Technology Industry Development Zone
Description?o  Taiyuan High and New Technology Industry Development Zone is the sole state-level development zone in Shanxi. It is consisted of two parts: the high-tech part in Nancheng district with planned area of And the economic part in southern suburb of Taiyuan with planned area of So far in the High-Tech part, been offered with water supply, electricity, gas, heat, roads and telecommunication, and with leveled ground so that it now has the capacity for large projects to be started. In the economic part, Has been initially offered with water supply, electricity, roads and telecommunication, and with leveled ground.

The zone is "the special area" of Taiyuan, with preferential policies for investors and complete service system. For the projects being undertaken in these areas, their application procedures are very simple. All the enterprises entering into these areas can enjoy favorable policies given by the central and provincial, municipal governments, among them the large-scaled enterprises with high technical level and good efficiency can enjoy the special policies of these two zones. Foreign investors may exploit land in large scale.

Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science